2. When and who created the term "Hockey" ?
Hockey is a term given to the sport played on ICE and with two sticks, two goals, elevn players, ... However, when was it created and who created it is still a mystery and it may have been resolved. 2- When and who created the term "Hockey" ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This are the four evidences that we have of the term Hockey been used throught history: 1. In 1949, a magazine in the Soviet Union claimed the sport was invented and perfected in Russia in the mid-19th century. But those claims may be dubious. 2. I n 1864, the Prince of Wales played hockey on a lake with a London skating club. “The game was kept up with great animation until 2 o'clock,” a London newspaper reported. 3. In Great Britain, newspapers as early as the 1840s referenced hockey played on ice. A Scottish newspaper reported in 1842 about a fatality during a hockey game. 4. And the last and most recognized ...