1. When was hockey REALLY created/invented ?

 Many people will know that hockey was invented in the 19th century in Canada, however that is when hockey or modern hockey was stablished formaly, but not many people know when it was really created, and that leads us to our first hockey fact:

1-When was hockey REALLY created/invented ?

Many experts have propoused a large amount of theories and people tend to think of three possible origins for hockey: 


1. A game called "bandy", that was played on ice on the eastern plains of England and it derivated to hockey.

This is actually a game of bandy and not ice hockey, eventhough they look quite similar, but are different in detail.

Many people approve this theory because in fact it is true that this game was later developed into former hockey, although this is not the real origin of it.


2. A game called shinty or "chamiare", this one may be one of the closest ancestors of hockey, created in Scootland in the early 1600s.

This is a more antique sport that may have inspired the creation of hockey or perhaps the creation of bandy.

However this is not the oldest ancestor and theres one missing puzzle piece and that is:



This ancient painting is from the 1500s and is thought that it is the origin of the sport. The problem is that it is a painting and we don´t know how further back upon this painting it was created. It could have been created in 1500 or in 1000 B.C., due to the fact that it is the oldest prouf/evidence it is considered that the painting is done during the organisation of the first match of this sport. This painting is believed to be from Ancient Greece or Egypt.

There are 1000 facts about hockey left, keep on looking this blog :)


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2. When and who created the term "Hockey" ?